FanHouse's Christopher Botta spoke with Flyers legend Dave Schultz before his induction Monday night into the Flyers Hall of Fame.
What was your best fight?
"Tough to say, but I had some classics with Keith Magnuson in Chicago."
Who were your toughest foes?
"Clark Gillies. When he hit you, it wasn't fun. And of course I have to say Terry O'Reilly. We fought eight times and each one was an epic."
Judge your O'Reilly fights.
"I'd say we each won four."
Gillies says you're good pals. True?
"Absolutely. When your careers are over, you meet guys like Clark and you realize you have a lot in common. We love to joke around and live life and have fun. We just never talk about the fighting. It took a little longer to bond with Terry, but we're buddies now, too. Hope to visit with him during the Winter Classic at Fenway."
Enjoy the Old Timers' Games?
"I did for a while. We had this one before a big crowd in Canada. Check out these two lines: Bob Bourne-Butch Goring-Clarkie and then Dave Semenko-Tiger Williams-me. What a blast we had."
How about being the villain?
"I really didn't think about it while it was going on. None of it was an act. I just wanted to stand up for my teammates and I'd do anything to win. It worked."
Ever get hurt?
"No. Well, okay ... once. Pierre Bouchard (of Montreal) surprised me, gave me a huge bomb to the side of my head. I don't think the fans or the announcers noticed it, but I was stunned. Probably a concussion in a day when they weren't diagnosed. Later on (linesman) John D'Amico came up to me and said, 'Schultzie, I have no idea how you stayed up after that one.' "
What's your take on NHL fighting today?
"Get rid of the instigator and I bet most of the players would be a lot more careful with those hits to the end. There are no consequences. And the equipment is out of hand. I want the guys to be protected, but the shoulder pads now are a joke. When I played, I wouldn't hit a guy with my shoulder. I would hurt my shoulder!"
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